My Last Holiday

 Hello! It's been two weeks since I last wrote a blog, 'cause I've gone into a holiday! Yay, very fun right? Even though I just stayed home, but actually I enjoyed it . Before the holiday begun, I've planned an agenda for my holiday. I was going to make a song album, buy a game that I was craving for, read books that I haven't finished, and study for the next semester ('cause I want to hit a better score for the next semester). But out of that agenda, I've only managed to finished a couple of them.

 So, about the song album. It's not an individual project, I collaborated with my friends. Our goals was to make 10 songs for the album and finished it this holiday. But We haven't finished it, hehe. 'Cause Me and my friends didn't find the perfect time for us to meet. But We managed to finish two songs. Well actually, It hasn't finished yet. It hasn't been in the quality check phase. So I think now We'll try to finish as soon as possible.

 Other than making songs, I also bought a game, as I planned. The game is called 'Mount and Blade Warband'. It's a good game. I've played it for hours and still can get a bored out of it. If you like medieval/dark ages/kingdom type of game, I really recommend it.

 On my last holiday, I managed to read 2 books, yeah, I know pretty pathetic. I've started reading on my last two days, so it's reasonable. But still, I just wish that I've read more.

  For my plan to study on my holiday... I didn't do it, hehe. Well, I've read the subject's book. But it didn't really stick in my head. I didn't get the material. But there's something else that I learnt. Well actually, 'started learning'. It's German! Oder Deutsch! I'm really excited about this. Finally after all these years, I can understand my parents when they are talking in Deutsch, and I can have a conversation in Deutsch with my German friend (yes, 'friend', not 'FRIENDS', sad).

 The most unexpected thing is that my father went to German. He was invited to visit to a couple of Screenprinter's workshop. There, he become a guess in several conventions. I don't really know what're the names of the conventions, but he frequently live streamed it on his FB. Until today, he's still in German.

 So that's about it. To summarize it all, I'm happy about that holiday. I enjoyed it very much and it's kinda productive compare to some of my previous holiday. Now that the holiday has finished, I need to prepare for my second semester in SMAN. Since many of my senior friends said that it's only will get busier and busier. Hopefully I'll survive and being constantly growing to be better and better!


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